Ruby on Rails aka (RoR) is a web development framework which gives Web developers a time saving method for writing code. Rails is one of many web frameworks used in app programming and web development.
The Rails framework helps developers to build websites and applications, because it abstracts and simplifies common repetitive tasks.
Ruby on Rails is web application framework written in Ruby by “David Heinemeier Hansson”.
Ruby is a combination of:
- Smalltalk’s conceptual elegance,
- Python’s ease of use and learning, and
- Perl’s pragmatism.
Ruby is:
- A high-level programming language.
- Interpreted like Perl, Python, Tcl/TK.
- Object-oriented like Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, Java.
By using Rails code developers keep their overall work cleaner, less prone to bugs and easier to troubleshoot when problems do occur.
Rails works with many database systems like MySql, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server.
To develop a web application using Ruby on Rails Framework, you need to install the following software −
- Ruby
- The Rails Framework
- A Web Server
- A Database System