Confirm clients without reloading a login page.

PHP, PHP Scripts, Software Development, Tips, Tutorials
This class can be used to authenticate users without reloading a login page. It can generate the HTML with Javascript that uses the jQuery library to present a login form that is submitted using an AJAX request for verifying the user password. The class uses a separate database access class to perform a database query to the users database in order to verify whether the user and password are correct. Download Script
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Alter and save a passage of content in a Html page

PHP, PHP Scripts, Software Development, Techniques, Tips, Tutorials, Web Design & Programming
This class might be utilized to alter and save a passage of content in a Html page. It copartners the vital Javascript occasion taking care of code to transform a given passage in a Html page into editable content when the client clicks on it. The point when the client completes the process of altering the produced Javascript submit the passage content to the Web server utilizing Ajax demand so it might be safeguarded. Download Script
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List data in a table that can be edited with AJAX

PHP, PHP Scripts, Software Development, Tips, Tutorials, Web Design & Programming
This class could be utilized to record information in a Html table that could be altered utilizing Ajax. It backs record page scrolling, segment sorting, and set up altering of information cells utilizing structure fields to adjust the qualities and Ajax demands to safeguard the updated qualities to the server. Download Script
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Show month datebooks browseable utilizing Ajax

PHP, PHP Scripts, Techniques, Tutorials, Web Design & Programming
This class might be utilized to presentation month timetables browseable utilizing Ajax. It can create Html and Javascript to presentation a month timetable with connections to peruse the months utilizing Ajax to stay away from page reloading. The class can make given days be shown as connections to occasion pages. The skimming may be limited to given dates. The months and week day names are customizable. The presentation items may be tweaked utilizing CSS. Download Script
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Generate Javascript to call PHP objects using AJAX

PHP, PHP Scripts
This bundle might be use to create Javascript to call capacities of Php class questions from the customer side. It creates Javascript code to make Javascript protests on the customer side that gesture as substitutes of Php questions on the server side. The created code utilizes Ajax to speak with the server side script that describes the Ace class. The class can make the Php protest on the server side and call the capacities that were summoned on the customer side utilizing the created Javascript substitute class. Download Script
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WordPress Plugin Development Guideline

Tutorials, WordPress
General Use comments everywhere. Any new developers should be able to know what the code is doing pretty quickly. Stay Current. Adhere to the latest version of WordPress standards and APIs. Use best practices as detailed at Test site with define('WP_DEBUG', true); added to wp-config.php to view errors.   File Structure The following folders should exist to support the main plugin file: /js - all javascript /css - all style sheets /img - all images /inc - all PHP include files The root should contain at least: the plugin file (my-plugin.php) uninstall.php - all code to remove plugin and database entries   Plugin Coding Standards Use common PHP coding standards (see Use common WordPress coding standards (see Follow rules for quotes, indentation, spacing, etc. at Follow…
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10 Easy Steps For WordPress MU Installation

PHP, Techniques, Tutorials, WordPress
10 simple steps for installation WPMU are: 1 Download WPMU from and unpack it. 2 If you want your WPMU installation in a subdirectory then rename the “wordpress-mu” folder to whatever you want. Upload the entire folder to your server. If you want your installation directly on the root then don’t worry about the folder. Simply upload all of the files inside (not the directory itself) to your server. 3 Create a MySQL database for WordPress MU on your web server, as well as a MySQL user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it. 4 Navigate to index.php at your domain and you will be presented with the install script: { Root Installation } { Subdirectory Installation } 5 Delete your .htaccess file and change…
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.passport Client, Authenticate users in a remote server

PHP, PHP Scripts, Tips
This class can be used to authenticate users in a remote authentication Web server. It accesses a remote Web server and pass the encrypted user name and password of an user to be authenticated. The class sets session variables with the user name and id if the authentication succeeds. This class works together with the .passport Server class that handles the authentication requests on the remote server side. Download Script here Source From:
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PHP Disqus Comments

PHP, WordPress
This class can be used for integration of blog comments to import in Disqus. It can generate a XML document in RSS 2.0 feed format with comments of a blog or similar platform to be imported in the Disqus platform. The generated feed includes comments with tags used by Wordpress define details like the comment date, author, text, thread comment parent, etc.. Download Script Source From:
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